
Psychological Effects of Financial Crisis: A Bailout Won’t Prevent the Long Term Impacts

The United States was already suffering a well documented economic slowdown when the sub-prime mortgage powder keg exploded on Wall Street. Regardless...

The Adventures of Online Dating

The do's and don’ts of online dating and some useful tips for guys and gals. While it seems the...

Speed Dating Fun: Meeting Special People Without a Computer

Movies like Hitch and TV shows like Law & Order: SVU have given viewers a tiny taste of the dynamics of speed...

Is There Such A Thing As Karmic Bosses?

Now that Uranus is properly in Taurus, Taurus career questions are more cosy to answer. If in doubt, begin a revolution.

Dating Men With Children: Expectation, Roles, and Boundaries in Relationships With Single Dads

Without a high level of communication, dating a man with children can be very challenging. Understanding each other’s expectations, boundaries, parental roles,...

Dating for Over 40s: Ways to Find a Potential Mate or Spouse After Forty

The dating game at any age can be a challenging and exciting time in someone’s life. Feeling like a naughty teenager again,...

Giving Him Up for Lent: How a Breakup Can Actually Enhance a Relationship

If a breakup is pending, it’s because a boyfriend does something that drives his girlfriend crazy. He does it more than once....

Uranus in Taurus For Uranus in Scorpio People

Above: How Uranus in Scorpio people believed they might “do” Uranus in Taurus.  Below: How Uranus in Scorpio people are actually carrying...

How To Be A Successful Dater: Find the Relationship of Your Dreams Without A...

Dating seems to be the only area of life where otherwise rational, methodical people throw caution to the wind and just go...

The Remaining 36 Hours Before Chiron Into Aries

Spooked up? Cosmic Detective Chiron is in the last level of Pisces, the Alpha & Omega end of the Zodiac. Chiron into...