Can You Recall the Mars People? Now Meet the Venus People. Who are the Venus People? They are anyone with a strong Venus or Venusian existense in their natal astrology. They are Venus Rising, or their Venus is conjunct a booster planet just like Jupiter. Maybe they have a stellium in either of the two Venus-ruled signs – Taurus and Libra. Or, their Venus is in the second or seventh house, extra-strong by also being in Libra, Taurus or Pisces.
But before you settle down to break the code of your or someone else’s Venus factors, guess what? You don’t need to calculate. You can smell the Venus People moving closer. Or, if you are wondering whether you are one or not, raise your wrist to your nostrils. Sniff. Do you smell scent? Is there a previous story or present philosophy attached to that scent? If yes, you are absolutely a Venusian. Another indicator? For you, fragrance, fine art, and food would have spiritual dimensions far beyond their normal meaning.
The Venus People admire beauty. Beauty moves them emotionally. Look at their eyes moisten at the view of anything beautiful and realize that their admiration is never acquisitive or even particularly lustful. Yes, they have a libido and can glamorously slide in and out of intimacy or physical connection without clumsy psychopathy. And an orgasm is more curing for Venus People than any amount of talking therapy or even yoga inc. But their love for beauty is unconditional. It does not search to possess.
Their Love Of Beauty Is Unconditional – It Does Not Search To Possess
Venusians admire the smooth lines of a supermodel in the same style that they notice a particularly remarkable sunset, furniture design, dog, handbag or the beautiful hands of an otherwise standard-looking person next to them in the bank queue. They are usually beautiful themselves or are recognized as being alluring. Non-Venusian people often find for the Venus People and long for their company as if it were a drug. Their existence is not just fragrant but soothing.
It is hard for Venus People because they’re nice to everybody and then people incorrectly assume the Venusian is in love with them. Or desire further closeness that was never on offer. Misunderstandings can also appear from the Venusian dislike of confrontation. They are as emotionally disrupted by even minor snark as they would be by a poorly designed item of clothing or petrochemical smell of a candle. And, their desire to stay away from ugliness can see them slipping out many a back door, just to stay away from the discordance of an argument or break-up talk. In their mind, they are doing the other person a favour. “Savage to be kind” is the Venusian mantra.
They Understand Early That They Can Trade Off Their Aesthetic, Looks, Taste Or Cultural Judgment
They are psychically hit by a sudden diverge into over-share or discordant politics. Their contempt of knock-offs or bad design is not snobbish; it’s natural. In relationships, they usually follow one of two different patterns. (1) They mate early and stay with that person forever, holding dear comfort and simpatico tastes on everything above any desire for novelty. Or, (2) Their first identity is single – without or without lovers – and they are married to style, an art form or distinguishing mode of living. People who do not know the type 2 Venusian would often be shocked at the delicate but secret luxuries they allow themselves or aspire to.
Venus People look for careers around beauty, one way or another, understanding early that they can trade off their aesthetic, looks, taste or cultural discernment. They are tactile and psychic through smell, picking up signs from their fingers on fabric or the scent of your hair.
Their love of beauty makes some people see them as shallow, and while of course, some Venus Persons have a surface-oriented consciousness, many are extremely deep. Their discernment of style, fashion, and culture tap into a socio-cultural matrix. Some of the Venus people can tell more from your choice of brand new hairstyle than you’d tell your therapist. And while they may not be news junkies, they understand the mood of the streets through style. Finally, peace is their most valuable asset, Venusians pick up on any threat before it is detectable to others.