Above: How Uranus in Scorpio people believed they might “do” Uranus in Taurus. Below: How Uranus in Scorpio people are actually carrying it out.
It’s been eleven months of the Promethean planet in Taurus. People born between 1975 to 1981* are having Uranus Antagonism.
They’re not spending time doing unimportant or trivial things. They are seeking enterprise funds for their success. Your ‘what is happening to the world?’ is their chance. No declaration of corruption shocks Uranus in Scorpio people. They are amazed it took everyone so long. They’ve never cared less about the optics around their life choices.
Uranus In Scorpio Individuals Are Ready For Their Success
They’re customary to operating in Stealth Mode. They don’t recognize with the broadly Pluto in Virgo Generation X sensibility. Nor are they fully lined up with the Millennials. Uranus opposite Uranus happens to everyone in their late 30s or early 40s. It is the mid-life** crisis = moment of chance. It is when you want alteration at Warp Speed and experience sudden onset aversion to ordinariness.
It’s Uranian so unpredictable as always, of course. From the outside and especially to those individuals who are post Saturn Return but pre Uranus Opposition, it looks like an intentional dismantling of everything the person has worked to put up. But to an individual amid Uranian Turbulence, it’s not disordered. If your social life instantly makes you feel like you are in an amateur theatre production, is it disruptive to leave the stage? Is it healthy for a Uranus in Scorpio individual to be unconnecting during sex? Or astral-traveling in the middle of an allegedly in-depth dialogue with an old companion?
Social Life Feels Like In An Amateur Theater Production
There is a way, and they’re reinventing it each and every morning upon waking up. They are plotting a coup against ordinariness, but it is not certainly counter-cultural. More than anyone outside of the mid-60s Uranus-Pluto concurrence Generation X people, the mid-Seventies to Early Eighties babies know that revolution can be packaged up and sold back to them as a commodity.
Every single news day of Uranus in Taurus confirms their sleeping suspicions. They are not interested in advertisement or what the dictator or dictator’s spouse is ranting from the balcony. Your vision board is their situation space. They’re pulling raw data jointly and formulating distinctive opinions on it. Their Uranian spookiness has startled awake. Scorpionic Pluto in league with Saturn makes the alarm more sharp. They are about to monetize their spookiness and initiate the most powerful Uranus Oppositions in history.
*There are some months in 1975/1981 when Uranus was not in Scorpio.