Most Summaries Of Leo Personality Traits Exlude The Most Important One
Any overview of Leo personality traits will mention their creative psyche, love of elegance and fully-primed ego. But few overviews feature their Self-Limiting Syndrome, even though it is most likely the main challenge for people with Leo Sun, Rising or Moon sign to overcome. Think also Mars or Venus in Leo individuals.
Nobody resents Leo their love of dramatic entrances or super high emotions around music and cinema. And if they want to delusionally recognize with a celebrity, so what? Their A-Lister spending on a budget of D-Lister? If anyone can use costly tastes to inspire a technically impossible career path, it will be a Leo type personality.
They don’t stand in need to be taught in creative visualization; they know it since birth. Leos have spotless style instincts and authentically adore culture. Every move they do comes from a creative impulse and even their aura is telegenic. They make scenes, hog stages and only keep holding their hair so they can adjust that invisible crown or what we call tiara.
They Only Keep Touching Their Hair To Adjust Their Tiara
These Leo personality traits are not usually a trouble. The universe is full of people happy to cast Leos as their leading man or lady. Or to be cast as the love villain or best friend in a soap-operatic Leonine rom-com.
But the Self-Limiting Syndrome will hit them hard if they don’t vigorously battle it at all turns. What is it? Essentially, when the Leo Sun, Rising or Moon sign person sets a goal, they subliminally feel that their innate chutzpah should be enough. That it is their rightful empire or due.
And that they won’t try something if they are not already obviously good at it. Overstating to make the point, they don’t want to show up at the local council meeting because they are not Angelina at the U.N. or convening a trial at the Hague. Or they are not Wimbledon ranked so screw that amiable tennis match. They want to act but don’t want to list themselves on a casting site because of the reason of, well, name recognition should avoid that sort of thing.
Leo Self-Limiting Syndrome doesn nott come from lack of belief or courage in themselves; it happens because to be Leo is to be eternally haunted by the best in and of everything.
But luckily, they are resistant to Phantom Deficit Syndrome because they are, at least, inner-directed.