The Full Moon June 2019 Hyper Flux


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You can best understand and apprehend the Full Moon June 2019 scenario in the context of the Hyper-Flux that is on-going. That is the Mutable square of Jupiter plus Neptune. It is a psychoactive stimulant or energizer in its own right. It’s similar to or like when the surrealist Salvador Dali have been asked if he did drugs, and then he said: “I am drugs.”

Jupiter squares Neptune all throughout the year, accentuating the escapist, transcendent desires and fancies of Sagittarius and Pisces. Each and every planet is strong and powerful in the sign of its rulership. This astral atmosphere is inspiring and befuddled. It brings your awareness or consciousness to dynamics you’d been unconscious of. It is triggering the urge to evac limiting scenes or relationships and look for a home comforts/privacy for introspection. Magical Mist or Treacherous Fog? The bright and shining light of relit inspiration or expensive folly or stupidity? It depends on your level of consciousness and how good or best you are at handling Mutable Hyper-Flux energy.

The Full Moon June 2019 Hyper-Flux IS A Drug

Any Sagittarius Full Moon illuminates or brightens the truth – inconvenient or not. But the Full Moon June 2019 uniquely lines up with the Jupiter-Neptune square. See your Horoscopes for more sign by sign or rising sign nuanced thoughts on this – particularly the Monthlies.

But succinctly: if your mind feels like it is swooping or diving around the place – high, low, micro, macro, esoteric, pragmatic – then you are doing this the right way. Nothing takes place in isolation and the Capricorn Convergence is similar to or like a primal bass note to the soaring woodwind plus trumpets of the Hyper-Flux. But if you are open to the cognitive leaps or hurdles, self-candor and experimental genius of the June 2019 Full Moon, you might be able to generate or result to genius sufficient to level up via real innovation.

Michel De Montaigne, who is the Pisces philosopher of the Renaissance, was born with Jupiter in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces.  So, if you are looking for a fresh-vibe perspective or view on this, why not him?

“The finest souls are those that have the most variety and suppleness.”

“We should be inclined with our freedom wisely.” 

“Be suited to others but give yourself to yourself only.”

Or, give the Oracles a turn around? Divination, dreams, synchronicity, and omen flow are sky-high this weekend. * Salvador Dali – Sun, Mercury Retrograde and Mars conjunct in Taurus.


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