With Covid-19 securely in place all over the country, there are few areas that have not been hit with the new reality, closeness is not a guaranty in a relationship. With social distancing becoming the new normal, finding ways to get to know someone new is not a simple task. Faced with finding new ways to get to know one another without actually being in the same room is not so easy. Fortunately, technology has advanced to the point where you can virtually connect with someone who is down the street or even on a different continent.
For this article, we going to be discussing how dealing with Coronavirus and dating can actually be accomplished in a very positive way. While nothing can replace the much needed human contact that being in the same room as the other person. There are somethings that you can do that can actually improve a burgeoning relationship without being in the same room.
4 Ways things have changed for dating in the age of Covid-19
Talking is golden – Since social distancing has forced many businesses like restaurants, bars, and sports grills have had to resort to curbside pickup, it is not possible to meet at a local bar for drinks and conversation. So, that means you will likely have to resort to picking up the phone and talking to each other for the foreseeable future. This can actually be a good thing in that you have more time to find out things about one another on the phone.
Video chatting is the new normal – With physical contact being highly discouraged outside of one’s normal living arrangement dating someone new can be rough. For those who believe that talking on the phone is far too impersonal, there is a solution. Thanks to the wonders of technology there is a new way two or more people can communicate with one another while not being in the same room and still have the emotional connection. It is called video chatting and thanks to Coronavirus it has found a way into our societal norm. Using a webcam (built into most mobile devices) and a microphone you virtually visit with the person and see their emotional responses to your discussion just like if you were in the same room.
Taking it very slowly – Too many people get in a hurry to take a new relationship to the next level and they end up sabotaging a potentially good relationship. While a pandemic cannot usually be viewed as a good thing, but from the perspective of a new relationship having to take things slow can ultimately be a positive. Don’t be in such a hurry, let things grow naturally and if it is meant to be it will most certainly happen.
Marriage can wait – Coronavirus has made a lot of changes in the way many people view dating and marriage. More and more young couples are discovering that having to wait to get married because of Coronavirus causing them to have to put off any plans to get married. For some, this turned out to be a really good thing when they ultimately discovered that after being apart or being together for an extended period of time actually made the relationship stronger.