Movies like Hitch and TV shows like Law & Order: SVU have given viewers a tiny taste of the dynamics of speed dating. Truth is, it’s not just for the desperate and dateless. It offers singles of all shapes, sizes, lifestyles and mindsets the chance to interact with a group of people just like them; one at...
Unique, Fun and Romantic Gift Ideas for a Man: Gifts for Birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Christmas or Anniversaries
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It’s not always easy to find the perfect romantic gift for a man. Start by making a list of his favorite foods, hobbies, sports and other recreational activities, then get creative and find a romantic angle. Then go to the mall, his favorite brick and mortar store or merchandise website. Next, take him out on a date...
Giving Him Up for Lent: How a Breakup Can Actually Enhance a Relationship
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If a breakup is pending, it’s because a boyfriend does something that drives his girlfriend crazy. He does it more than once. Maybe he is always late picking her up. Maybe he forgets to call. Maybe he cancels dates at the last minute or changes plans because something better comes up. Maybe he stops for a burger...
When it comes to initiating relationships, experts say the playing field is becoming more equal. There are women out there waiting for men to ask, but what if the day never comes? And it may not, especially with all these role reversals going on.
The traditional view of how to act like a man...
Psychological Effects of Financial Crisis: A Bailout Won’t Prevent the Long Term Impacts
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The United States was already suffering a well documented economic slowdown when the sub-prime mortgage powder keg exploded on Wall Street. Regardless of any stopgap legislation passed in Washington, serious aftershocks will flow through the economy for months. Financial difficulties nearly always lead to emotional strain and could cause an increase in diagnosed mental health conditions.
The advantages and benefits of Virgo Moon Magic are correctly documented on this site and in the Horoscopes. Even people or individuals with no Virgo Vibe or Virgo Vision rev up into extremist mode at this time of the month. But aside from the micro-tasking genius and gleaming achievements, there is a disadvantage. It is the Moon...
Can You Recall the Mars People? Now Meet the Venus People. Who are the Venus People? They are anyone with a strong Venus or Venusian existense in their natal astrology. They are Venus Rising, or their Venus is conjunct a booster planet just like Jupiter. Maybe they have a stellium in either of the two Venus-ruled signs...
Now that Uranus is properly in Taurus, Taurus career questions are more cosy to answer. If in doubt, begin a revolution.
Taurus Career Liability Number 1 – Being Subborn And Dressing It Up In A Spangled Cloak Of Principle
Dear Annoyed Taurus,
Now that Uranus is in Taurus,...
The Kamala Harris astrology and the timing of her run as a USA presidential candidate are captivating. I have become crazily sceptical about politics in recent times. Caligula, neo-liberalism, legacy environmental ideas, all of it. But this day I was zapped up by Kamala Harris enough to look at her astrology. If you didn’t see her speaking...
What is it like when your entire family has a Taurus Moon? It’s really fun! Just don’t dare to touch their stuff. Here is an instance of the scenario.
Dear Mystic,
I just downloaded my teenage children’s birth chart reading for funsies and had to chuckle. Both of my children (including...