The advantages and benefits of Virgo Moon Magic are correctly documented on this site and in the Horoscopes. Even people or individuals with no Virgo Vibe or Virgo Vision rev up into extremist mode at this time of the month. But aside from the micro-tasking genius and gleaming achievements, there is a disadvantage. It is the Moon Of Observing Everything. If you are a natal Moon in Virgo individual, you alchemize this asset or liability into your selfhood and learn to relax with it. Hell, it is absolutely a good living for you. Maybe you are the cop called in to throw their eye over cold cases or the fashion maven whose assessment of button size is mission-condemnatory to a huge organization. And, of course, Virgo Moon Magic is desirable in media at all times. The sub-editing algorithms and robo-editors cannot out-think the people.
Virgo Moon Magic Can Turn On You Same As A Genie In A Fairytale
But this weekend’s Moon of observing everything is hard for two reasons. (1) Non-Virgo types are learning it and wondering if it is a unexpected-onset personality disorder. (2) All the Fire sign energy is intensifying it. So you do not just obersve when there is a wrong fact in something you’re reading; you go nuts fact-checking. And then that sparks a turbo-research bender. You recognize what sentences or words make your throat constrict ever so slightly and who sets off T.M.J.
A micro-overcharge on a statement catches your attention but would the time spent on hold or in a robotic live chat be worth clawing the money back?
You Notice Who Enfeebles Or Scatters Your Vibe
Virgo Moon Magic means you observe who weakens or scatters your vibe. And then you start preparing their ejection or your trip or anything to keep away from having to discuss it straightly or over-feel. It is not actually a good Moon for dialogue because individuals can spend hours in “and another thing I’ve picked up on lately” compositions. So okay, you think: I’ll do some self-care. Virgo nurturing, the Corn Maiden, Earth feature of this. It can work, but you could also spot yourself dazzling at the mirror in the bathroom, wondering if one of your eyebrows has always grown in a slightly contrasting direction, googling “perpendicular eyebrow hair symptom” and searching for a heavier-duty foot scraper. It’s self something but maybe not care.