When Your Whole Family Has A Taurus Moon


What is it like when your entire family has a Taurus Moon?  It’s really fun! Just don’t dare to touch their stuff. Here is an instance of the scenario.

Dear Mystic,

I just downloaded my teenage children’s birth chart reading for funsies and had to chuckle. Both of my children (including my father) all have moon in Taurus. As you say, just don’t dare to touch their stuff.

When my daughter was 3 years old, she used to scream at her toy doll that she had a bit of a frenemy relationship with “Never touch my stuff!”

With two teenager Taurus Moon kids, there have been many late night arguments about who may or may not have touched whose stuff. It usually turns up in a forensic audit of stuff-touching going back to, yes, you said it, the daybreak of consciousness.

It Usually Turns Up In A Forensic Audit Of Stuff-Touching

In fact, not many years ago they escalated the “who touched with whose stuff” game to the point of hiding each other’s stuff, and I thought we’d been robbed because all the computers and gaming systems vanished, and I reported it to the police as a break in.

The only thing I would put on to the Moon in Taurus definition is the almost supernatural ability a carefully curated snack selection has on these people. Organize them on a couch with their favorite bites, and they suddenly start showing happiness and well-being that borders on the pharmaceutical.

As long as no one is touching their stuff.

Love your work,


Hi Lea & thank you! The food observation is an extraordinary Taurus Moon add-on. I think it also applies to Taurus Rising. People who have tough Taurus placements seem to merge with their food more. One of my brand new Uranus in Taurus “rules” pertains to food.

This is the Astral DNA bit in query. If you know a person with Moon in Taurus, how suitable is this?

Moon in Taurus

Unless they have powerful Taurus going on already (for example Taurus Rising) Moon in Taurus people shock themselves by how grasping and possessive they can be on occasion: the “occasion” in query being most of the time. Yes, they keep score. And they keep close tabs on their items. If pressed, they could name every single time someone tried to touch their stuff since the daybreak of consciousness. If Taurus Moon examines the top with this, they store and use money or possessions to power-trip. But let’s say they are of sound mind and lovely. They are genius at functioning in the world, collecting a fortune and living damn well. They are amazing healers and can calm wild acting loved ones with their clever powers of Zen. So long as nobody dares to touch their stuff.


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