When you are an Aries Sun Libra Moon individual, it is always Full Moon. You don’t need that time of the month to shine on the contradictions within your psyche. You re not at combat with yourself – it is more like a series of border skirmishes. Or guerilla warfare. How?
Aries is a person of the arena, experienced at stripping away fuzz and shade to render themselves hyper-relevant. How else to stay in work mode? They may not be able to cease rogue meteorites by standing in their way or resolve complex managerial issues with one sharp worded command or observation, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t theoretically try. For Aries, nuance-aversion is a survival system. They can collect on incoming complications the way elephants sense low-frequency shifts that signal an impending quake.
Aries Suns are not innately against planning or dialogue, but they think of them as being like when a racing car does a brief rest. Several highly experienced mechanics dash in to change types and repair things at Warp Speed. How fast is it? A brief rest should last 12 to 16 seconds; about the same length of time that an Aries Sun allocates to nuance assessment or complications. If you are not an Aries Sun but want to get on with one brilliantly, try to think about yourself as “pit crew” the next time you’re in a discussion.
But the Libra Moon is hooked on variation. It helps them keep equilibrium, avoid unnecessary conflict, and steer complex terrain. And the Moon is your psyche and your comfort zone. If you are not carrying out your Moon, you can feel unsettled, like you have lost or failed to remember something, even when you have not. Those dreams where you wake up frantically looking for a missing ‘lost’ item? They are a lunar deficit syndrome and a reminder to express more of your Moon sign.
But Aries Sun expounds the Libra Moon prompts of ‘what about this?’ as procrastination. It is as if one of the pit crew suddenly began talking about the font on the side of the racing car. They can try to outsource their Moon, throwing a partner or close friend in the role of diplomatic nuance broker.
When you are Aries Sun Libra Moon person, your Moon says objectivity and Aries hears ‘objection.’ Your Moon says ‘tactics’ and your Sun comprehends it as ‘failure to launch.’ Recognition of this dynamic is half the cure.
But in reality, this Sun and Moon work together, an alloy of audacity and finesse.