Happy New Moon In Gemini 2019


Happy New Moon in Gemini 2019!

May the changing begin. If you have read your Monthly Horoscopes, you will remember that the Hyper Flux (Jupiter square Neptune) has returned. And this New Moon symbols the start of it. So it is not a “usual” Gemini New Moon. It’s amped.

Turns out altering your mind/plans every day on the basis of new intel is a brilliant strategy. More in the Daily Mystic email for Tuesday, out soon.

The news motion is very Saturn-Pluto 2020. There are days when I legit ponder if J.G. Ballard got put in charge when he moved past, as present affairs are so surreally dystopian. Headlines regularly read like one of his short story titles. My lecture rant Mp3 has piles of info, strategies, and theories on it; don’t be scared homies!

Reminder: the Mega Mystic members discount that applies to instant birth charts plus the rants is automatic now. It takes 50% off purchases from those classifications if you are logged in. If you are not, it won’t.

I also read this concise (and not long-winded) article by a Nobel Prize winning (and Aquarius), economist. It was such a good read. It also declares that neo-liberalism started with the last Saturn-Pluto conjunction in the early 80s. Tectonic trade and economy shifts are happening underneath the saber-rattling, theatrics and trolling. The article is not one of those apocalyptic, run-for-the-hills ones, b.t.w. It is enlightening and inspiring.

For some site announcements.

Oracle2 is now beside Oracle1. Or below, depending on your browser or device or computer. It is a different experience but still extraordinary and I hope you agree. It is a lot more responsive and enjoyable to use on mobile. Your comment is welcome in the comments section but if it is an actual tech issue – like you can’t load it or something – please email.

The 12 Card Tarot is midway through a revamp, so we would like to thank you for your patience with that! My thinking on several of the cards and their symbolism has progressed and the Tarot is reflecting this morph.

Someone emailed me now to suggest that I arrange the Horoscopes by sign so that you could read – for example – all of the Taurus Horoscopes by daily, weekly and monthly in the same place. The email alarmed me as, since 2017, you can choose to read them in an “all signs format” or by every sign.

If there is anyone else out there is not aware of this, please see the Horoscopes page. It’s your choice! The archives, however, are only arranged by sign or rising sign.

This is a lot of information for a New Moon in Gemini 2019 post! But I also love the idea of placing announcements and information up with the New Moon, in one spot.



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